Financed a vehicle before 28th January 2021?

You could claim
back up to



This is how it works 

“The FCA has launched a major investigation into hidden, unfair car finance commission. This could lead to billions of pounds of overcharged interest paid back to millions of people.”

Martin Lewis



Complete our secure, 60 seconds form to see if you’re owed £1,000’s in compensation.

Form Secured 

    Who was your loan with?

    How to find your statutory credit history

    How it works, in three easy steps

    Eligibility Criteria

    This checklist highlights some basic criteria to help you understand if you may have been mis-sold car finance. If any of these apply to you, you could be entitled to a refund, plus interest.

    Mis-sold Car Finance — you might be owed money. If so, WE’LL RECLAIM IT FOR YOU.

    We all love our cars. But sometimes car purchasing can be a murky business. Some proud car buyers have actually been mis-sold motor finance on their car (or van), and have been overcharged, meaning that they are now OWED MONEY.

    Are you?

    Mis-Sold Car Finance

    Let’s break this down

    • A major mis-selling investigation has been launched into this Discretionary Commission Arrangement — you could be owed thousands in mis-sold car finance compensation

    • Brokers (not lenders) are getting into trouble for overcharging: countless borrowers believe their contract was more expensive because their broker stood to earn a hefty commission by charging more, which is WRONG

    • This only applies to vehicles purchased before 28th January 2021, when new rules banning this type of commission model took force — with the investigation focussing more specifically on those who used PCP (Personal Contract Purchase) or Hire Purchase

    • Car (and van) buyers are livid: car dealers should not have used a discretionary commission mechanism to profit from higher interest rates


    It’s true, we’ll only take a small FCA regulated fee from your successful claim

    Not everyone’s claim will prove fruitful, of course; that’s just the reality. But we’re incredibly determined at what we do, not to mention extremely effective. So, if you’re owed money from a mis-sold motor finance policy, we’ll get it back for you. And that means every penny, once the investigation is complete, and claims can be made.

    *Figures are based on averages from Find Your Claims, as well as other small claim assistant companies.

    There’s nothing to pay upfront so why not check  to see if you have a  claim today?